
Tar Pitcher

Name Tar Pitcher
Mana Cost
Types Creature / Goblin / Shaman
Power / Toughness 2 / 2
Status (TCG) Unlimited

, Sacrifice a Goblin: Tar Pitcher deals 2 damage to target creature or player.

"Auntie Grub had caught a goat, a bleating doe that still squirmed in her arms. At the same time, her warren decided to share with her a sensory greeting of hot tar . . . ."—A tale of Auntie Grub


2014-12-05 Duel Decks Anthology: Elves vs. Goblins EVG-EN053

2013-06-07 Modern Masters MMA-EN134

2007-10-12 Lorwyn LRW-EN193
